Friday, July 13, 2012

Comelec proclaims Lawa as rightful Maasim mayor

MAASIM, Sarangani (May 8, 2012) – Sarangani Provincial Election Officer Jose Alvin Quiňanola (2nd from right) and Election Officer Gertrudes Omaňa (extreme left) proclaim former Provincial Board Member Arturo Lawa as the rightful winner of the 2010 election for Maasim mayoral post during the reconvening of the Municipal Board of Canvassers Monday, May 7, with Vice Governor Steve Solon (extreme right) as witness. Lawa “lost” to Jose Zamorro by a narrow margin due to a PCOS machine which erroneously transmitted results of the test run at Precinct 21 in Kablacan village instead of what Lawa actually received - 136 votes as against only 62 votes by Zamorro - bringing the total votes Lawa garnered to 5,440 as against 5,382 of his chief rival – a margin of 58 votes. For more news and updates, please visit the Province of Sarangani . (Abner Arzaga/MAASIM NEWS CENTRAL)

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